Poppy Devey Waterhouse

Poppy was a lovely young woman with so much going for her. She was extremely bright, both in intellect and in her outlook on life. She always worked hard in her academic studies and yet balanced that with having fun too.

She saw no barriers to making new friends and had a strong belief in what is right and wrong and would speak out for others if she felt it necessary.

Poppy lived life to the full. She was adventurous and loved to travel, embracing every opportunity and new experience that came her way. She was always up for joining in with a night out with mates but would also be the first at her work desk the following morning.

Poppy’s energy was admired by her family and friends alike. She was open and outgoing, caring and inclusive, happy to help other people and also capable of inspiring and galvanising them into action.

Poppy was simply, an amazing person who is so very, very sadly missed by so many.


Mumtahina Jannat, 29


Suzanne Van Hagen, 34